What is concierge Physical Therapy?
To simplify it, it is a cash based healthcare model with customized treatment plans and payment methods. Common models include subscription based pricing and package based pricing. Being cash based allows providers to give their patients the exact care they need while relieving the patients of worrying about what their insurance may or may not cover. Often times, insurance only authorizes a small number of visits, and it is typically just enough for patients to start seeing improvements in their recovery. Patients are often left with the difficult choice of stopping PT all together or paying out of pocket. Insurance also does not cover any sort of “maintenance” of any chronic conditions. With concierge medicine, the goal is to customize treatment for as little or as long as needed until the patient has fully benefitted.
At Torrez PTW, we offer package based pricing where the package is completely curated around you and your recovery. In addition to concierge, we add the mobile aspect as well to maximize your benefits. Making the business mobile offers greater convenience for busy individuals who don’t have time to make the commute to a traditional PT clinic. It’s also perfect for those who may not be moving as well as they’d like and prefer to be in the comfort of their own home. The unmatched convenience of a mobile concierge PT is priceless.
Lastly, one of the most important aspects of mobile concierge PT is that you get one-on-one treatment. You aren’t in a crowded clinic spending five minutes with a provider before being handed off to someone else. At Torrez PTW, you have Dr. Torrez’s undivided attention for the duration of your treatment and will receive quality, individualized care during each session. Call now and receive one 30 minute session free of charge. Be sure to mention this blog. (Offer Valid through February 2022)
Savannah Torrez, PT, DPT, COMT
“Before physical therapy, I was a pain in the butt.” -Piriformis