Do you work at a computer all day and struggle with mid and upper back pain and stiffness? Today I have 5 exercises💪🏼 you can try as soon as now ‼️to help alleviate your pain and stiffness

1️⃣ Thoracic Extension on Foam Roller. Being hunched over a computer for hours can cause your pecs and chest to become tight and cause unnecessary stress in your neck. This is a great chest and pack opener. Place the foam roller horizontal at your mid back with your hands behind your head the the pictures below. Extend your back over the foam roller and hold it for at least 3 seconds. Repeat at least 10 times. Move the foam roller up on your back and continue up your spine.

2️⃣ Cat Camel Stretch: A gentle yet effective way of mobilizing your spine into flexion and extension. Always great to incorporate into a warm up. Arch your back up like a cat and bring your chin to your chest, hold for 3 seconds. Then reverse the movement by trying to touch your belly to the ground while maintaining your elbows full extended. Look up toward ceiling and hold for 3 seconds. Alternate back and forth for 10-20 reps.

3️⃣ Half kneeling Rotation: Half kneeling with the outer leg forward and the closer leg back. This works greater against a wall. Squeeze a yoga block between your outer nee and a wall or bench like below. With your hands extended in front of you, rotate away as if you were reaching behind you. Repeat 10-15 times and then perform and then switch sides. This positioning allows for rotation to occur while minimizing hip involvement and compensation. Great for assessing rotation limitations.

4️⃣ Thoracic Extension Elbows on Bench: In a kneeling position, place your elbows on a bench about coffee table height, clasp your hand behind your head. With your elbows on the bench sit your butt back onto your heels. Hold for 3-5 seconds. Go back to your starting position and repeat 10-15 times. This is great at working on thoracic extension and overhead shoulder mobility all at once. If your thoracic spine can’t extend, your scapulas can’t tilt, which prevents your shoulder joint from going into full flexion (overhead mobility). This can lead to shoulder impingement.

5️⃣ Threading the Needle: In a kneeling position, place your forearm horizontal on a bench or table (about the height of a coffee table). Reach away as if you were reaching for the ceiling, hold for 3 seconds. Then reach through and rotate your trunk as far as you can go and hold for another 3 seconds. Repeated 10 to 15 times and then switch sides. This is another great exercise to work on rotation. Having your opposite hand on the bench helps to minimize compensations. Often people perform this on their hands and knees BUT bend the opposite elbow to get more range. This allows the shoulder and arm to compensate and make it appear like you are reaching further than you actually are. This defeats the purpose of the exercise.

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